I love the idea of a completely natural home.
KayHi, I’m Kay, a mum to two young and very energetic boys and a tiny little princess and am married to a hardworking and indulgent husband.

Our house in Cape Town opens up to a lapping lagoon, palms and swooping sea birds. We’re blessed because I adore being in nature. I love getting gorgeous fresh produce from my garden or markets and making great big platters of delicious, healthy food for my family and friends.

I’m passionate about health, particularly because we’ve been (and still are) on a long journey to heal my boys and my digestive systems. It has been humbling and a lesson in patience and staying obedient for a long time!

I’ve also become passionate about natural and sustainable living and am convinced that it is the only sensible and kind way to live.

I hope to be a blessing to you and yours.

I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart I will tell of all your wonders

Psalm 9:1